Terms of Use

Scope of Terms

These Terms of Use govern the access and use of the Agent Checker website. They outline the permissible uses of our platform and the related privacy practices as detailed in the Agent Checker Privacy Policy, which is incorporated by reference into these terms. The full text of the Privacy Policy is available here.


This document forms a binding legal contract between Agent Checker (“we”, “us”, or “our”) and you, the user. We advise careful reading to understand the obligations and provisions set forth. These terms outline the procedures for listing property sales offers on our platform, dictate appropriate user conduct, and clarify the warranty limitations applicable to the website services. Please note that these terms are subject to change at our discretion and at any time.

Detailed Description of the Website and Its Usage

The website, accessible via agentchecker.co.uk, is an online platform operated by Agent Checker Limited, designed to facilitate the comparison of estate agent services. By accessing and using the website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be legally bound by these terms. Should you disagree with any part of these terms or are below the age of 18, you must not use this website. We may periodically update these terms, and continued use of the website after such changes shall constitute your consent to the modified terms.

Procedure for Obtaining Quotes and Property Valuations

Agent Checker does not engage directly in the selling of property but allows registered estate agents to submit offers for your property (“Quotes”) through the website. Deciding to engage any of the recommended estate agents from our platform results in a direct contract between you and the agent, to which Agent Checker is not a party. Submitting a request for a property valuation through our website does not commit you to any agreement with an estate agent. The process for obtaining Quotes is as follows:

  • Submission of property details by you on the website.
  • Our system then matches your property with a curated list of estate agents.
  • Selected estate agents will provide preliminary Quotes.
  • You may then request a valuation visit from an agent.
  • Should you decide to instruct the agent post-valuation, a separate agreement is formed directly between you and the agent. We make no guarantees regarding the receipt of Quotes or the timeframe within which they will be provided. While not obligated to review Quotes, we may do so to enhance customer service or upon your request. We reserve the right to modify or remove any Quotes at our discretion.

Intellectual Property and Usage Rights

The website is provided strictly for your private, non-commercial use. No ownership rights are conferred by your use of the website. All intellectual property rights in the website, including copyrights, trademarks, design rights, patents, and others, are owned by Agent Checker or are licensed to us. Third-party trademarks and names are owned by their respective holders, and no affiliation or endorsement should be inferred. Usage of Agent Checker trademarks without our explicit permission is strictly prohibited and may constitute infringement.

Restrictions and User Obligations

You agree to abide by these terms and not to:

  • Engage in unauthorized hacking, modification, or reverse engineering of any part of the website.
  • Access restricted areas of the website without authorization.
  • Alter or obscure proprietary notices on the website.
  • Create derivative works that mimic the website’s functionality.
  • Use automated systems to collect data from the website.
  • Misuse the website for unauthorized marketing or introduction of malicious software.
  • Share website access with parties who disagree with these terms.
  • Use the website for any fraudulent, unlawful, or immoral purposes. Breaches of these terms may lead to termination of your access to the website or other necessary actions to protect our legal rights.

Communications and Content

The website may display third-party content (“User Content”) without prior review. The opinions expressed in User Content are solely those of the contributors and not of Agent Checker. We accept no liability for any User Content and reserve the right to remove such content at our discretion. By posting User Content, you grant us a global, perpetual license to use that content as we deem fit.

Limitations of Liability

Agent Checker provides the website on an “as is” basis, offering no warranties beyond the standard duty of care. We disclaim liability for inaccuracies on the site, external site links, and any direct or indirect consequences arising from your use of the website. We are not liable for failures beyond our reasonable control.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Agent Checker from any claims, losses, or damages arising from your breach of these terms.

General Provisions

These terms, along with our privacy policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and Agent Checker regarding the website. No waiver of any term is effective unless in writing. If any part of these terms is deemed unenforceable, it will be modified to the minimum extent necessary, with the remainder remaining in effect. These terms are governed by English law, and disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of English courts.

Questions or concerns should be directed to Agent Checker, and we aim to respond within 48 hours.

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